  Ron 'Tyger' Karren is the pseudonym for a retired Naval Aviator who is currently employed as an R&D Engineer for a company that designs and builds mass- storage systems for government and large corporate use.   On the hobby front, Ron is a member of the SORC (Society Of Robotic Combat) and has built "battle 'bots" for competition in the past 2 Robot Wars, held in San Francisco, CA.   When not building robots in the basement or designing circuit boards, Ron does freelance technical writing and has researched and written on topics ranging from bird breeding to stock market simulations.   Wing Commander represents hours of painstaking research along with a healthy dose of romance and reality.   It is not Ron's first novel, but is the first book where the author followed Mom's advice to write what you know. When asked to comment on personal life, Ron says "I'm a single parent who lives in Central New Jersey and my life revolves around a demanding (but adorable!) eight year old daughter who wants to be a Vet and her menagerie! - three cats, a hamster, two parrots (who rule the roost), a Siamese fighting fish (don't ask!) - and keeping up payments on the mortgage...!"
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~ZonCon
Produced by X&G Rule Together Productions Copyrights 1998.