We are pleased to announce that a local theatre group has accepted our offer to act as emcee's,
auctioneers, and provide additional entertainment.
Founded in 1989 by Tom Dougherty, a Ringling Bros. clown, Theatricks Family Theatre is a professional, non-profit theatre company which blends acting and clowning techniques into a unique artistic expression to be enjoyed by all ages. Tom, Elizabeth Fufaro,and Tim Marone attended the Neighborhood Playhouse School for Theatre in New York and have been in several off Broadway and regional theatrical productions. Each member has toured with an international circus as a featured performer and is highly trained in acting and clowning and has been chosen on the basis of his or her training and experience in the circus, on the prof- essional stage, or on TV. They have appeared at the Smithsonian Institution, The Walters Art Gallery, Maryland Festival for the Arts, Wolf Trapp, Little People's Theatre in NY, Tarzan Zerbini Circus, George Carden International Circus and Ringling Bros. Circus and have won local and international acclaim. We know you will be just as impressed as we were with their abilities to act as hosts and auctioneers. They are also huge fans of the Warrior Princess, are non-sexist and supportive of all life styles and sexual orientations.
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~ZonCon
Produced by X&G Rule Together Productions Copyrights 1998.