Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Mark Allen Shepherd plays Morn, a humanoid alien of mysterious origin that frequents the space station at Deep Space Nine and found to be quite the regular at Quark's bar.   Morn is a ladies' man, even Dax has commented that she finds the few hairs on the top of Morn's head attactive.   Quark knows that when Morn leaves the bar he might as well close up for the night and went so far one night as to suggest a new Ferengi "rule of aquisition" in order to describe it.   Quark on occasion let's Morn run the bar and he will more than likely be around for a long time as Jake Sisco finds Morn running the bar sometime in the future.   Enough pieces of the puzzle for the audience to wonder and keep them on the edge of their seats when he is about to say something; Morn might be the most famous non-speaking part in Star Trek history. An accomplished artist, Mark has numerous works of his abstract impressionist paintings, mixed media and photo mosaics used on the sets of Deep Space Nine as well as other television, films and commercials. Plural Dolt; an absurd music theatre group Mark performs with now in it's tenth year, has just finished its latest recording "Sloopy Woot".   It's like Frank Zappa meets Spike Jones on Forbidden Planet; cartoony, wild and zaney.   Plural Dolt plays in and around the Los Angeles area and plans to go on tour soon. A diverse background in science as well as fine arts, Mark has a bachelor of science from Roger Williams College and studied music, film, theatre, performance and interdisciplinary arts at the California Institue of Arts for four years.   Much of Mark's work explores such abstarct concepts as energy, consciousness, perception, multi-dimensionality, and the transformation and mythologization of environment through a variety of media.'  
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~ZonCon
Produced by X&G Rule Together Productions Copyrights 1998.