Hudson grew up in Rochester, New York, and worked as a model in
Rochester and Tokyo before attending acting school in New York City. She
attended Brighton High School in Rochester, New York starting her sophomore year.
She is a graduate of the prestigious Neighborhood Playhouse acting school in New York City.
At the age of 20, Hudson started acting at the Community Theater in Rochester, New York. Between the ages of 21 and 23, she worked in a play called Neighborhood Playhouse in New York City. She also worked on a series of afterschool showcases called Sexual Considerations, where the shows focused on teenage issues. Hudson played the role of an 18 year old. Hudson enjoys playing Callisto on Xena Warrior Princess. She comments that "I think playing Callisto is very therapeutic. Even though all she ever does is scream and yell and fight, its because she's so hurt and angry. That's part of why I love the character so much.". Hudson also comments about the "Celeste" character from Touched by an Angel, "It was kind of strange when I did the first (Xena) convention, and everybody wanted to see me as the evil Callisto. Then two days later, I'm off to Utah to play Celeste-- a sweet, cute little angel on Touched By An Angel." Whether she is playing psycho-swordwielding Callisto, or ditsy-cherubic Celeste, you can be sure that Hudson fans will be watching. To learn more about Hudson, or join her fanclub, click here.
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~ZonCon
Produced by X&G Rule Together Productions Copyrights 1998.